Once again I have made it back and I'm feeling a little more relaxed. You see, my daughter has been in Florida since Saturday, and she's my strongest support. I don't believe this would've ever got started without her, so thank you Hill.
Anyway I'm still not sleeping very well, my mind races with thoughts of how I am going to save the world. I don't know why, it just does all the time no matter what; so I'm trying to concentrate on little things and the consequences before I make any decisions. I remind myself what is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong and I know the difference.
On another note, I wonder how all our rehabs stay in business with such low success rates. Are they missing something? I know they say," You have to be ready." Well, I was ready the past two times I put myself through a rehab. I'm not knocking rehabs, I'm just wondering if maybe there are a couple of steps that could be added so that more people can overcome their problems?!
Back to me; I do not feel an overwhelming feeling to get high; I feel an overwhelming feeling to figure out why I stayed high for so long!
Well that's all for today, if you don't hear from me tomorrow I'm an idiot.
Sorry I missed logging in for this post. Still praying though! The thing about rehab, I think, is that it isn't rehab that saves you from your addiction. Rehab may be a good place to start, but what we really need to know is that the power to overcome our addictions is the Truth! As long as we tell ourselves lies, and as long as we believe the lies we're told, we're cooked. The Truth is what sets us free (see John 8:32), and the Truth is not just a set of facts, He's a person! He's the most famous overcomer that ever lived! He not only overcame sin, which He never participated in, at least in terms of deeds, He overcame 4,000 years of the effects of sin in likeness of our own sinful human flesh (see Romans 8:3). He also overcame the penalty of sin for all of us, because He never sinned, and so death had no power over Him. Therefore, He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (see John 14:6)! Do you want your life back? "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world" (John 1:29).