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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

day 56

Day 56 we moved into our new home yesterday and I must say I like it very much, I worked so hard yesterday I fell asleep at about nine last night I think. Its five forty five in the morning here and I have already eaten breakfast, I'm at the only diner in town that stays open all night, I like coming here and writing, I'm not sure why, but I think it's just nice to have people around me, even if I don't know them it's just comforting for some reason to hear them talking in the background. I like my job more and more every day, it seems I'm going to learn a lot at this job, not only in construction but also the business side of it, john seems to be very good at what he does and a good teacher, he is patient and always seems to be in a good mood and quick to explain to me what he's doing and why, not only do I enjoy his company I feel that he is going to teach me a lot of things that will take me a long way in life. I will not take this job or his friendship for granted. As a matter of fact, I will do just the opposite; I will work as hard and as smart as I can to be as efficient as I can with my time and his money as possible. I love this new life. I believe I'm going to go to work early today, I think we're going to hire a new guy and try him out, it is very hard to find people around here that want to work.

Its about four o clock, I'm going to write for a while then go back to work for an hour or two. It seems like everyone I talk to in this town is unemployed and on drugs or drunk, it is amazing how many people are either on drugs or have been on them, young people to. It seems like every time I meet someone drugs or drinking always comes up in the conversation, I am quick to tell about my past and where I am now and that I am clean and no longer want any part of that life, I thought drugs would haunt me for the rest of my life and it would be a struggle every day to stay clean but that is absolutely not the case. When I tell people I no longer want drugs in my life I say it with confidence because that is really how I feel. It is amazing, this transformation of life, two months ago all I could think about was getting high, in the morning I would do the math in my head to see how much money was going to be left over after I got off work so I could get high, and that's all I could think about all day long, always ready to leave work early. Now it's the complete opposite, it feels so good when people start talking about drugs and I can honestly tell them how much better my life is without drugs and how much better I feel about who I am today. I am most definitely proud of the changes I have made in my life and I feel with these changes and the maturity that I am gaining every day I will be a great role model in any community that I live in and for anyone who follows my blog.

There is a nearby college in this little town that a lot of people say is very good, I have decided that I would like to go and talk to them and see if they have anything to offer me, nobody ever thought I would quit drugs and ive done that and more, you never know, I may become a famous author some day, hey, it could happen, James


  1. hey jim-im reading a- little book about a lady who said the same thing you just said and guess what i just checked her book out of the library-tell me life is not awesome-take care-still reading-cynthia-like i said dream big little dreams can turn into big ones-thank you so much

  2. Hey Jim, Dodie and I started to read your blog and now we are hooked. You have a passion for writing and it shows. I am up to day 11 and Dodie is up to day 20. Keep up faith and God bless. We are so proud of you.

  3. Indeed it could! There are so many people that would benefit by your experience in book form! It might take a little editing to transform this blog into a book, but what a blessing that would be to so many people! You need to do it, Jim!


  4. Well said. The "anything is possible" attitude is refreshing to read. Not only is it true, but hopefully contagious.
    Look for you everyday. My opinion, wanting to be around people(the diner), serves as a stregth for you. When you only want to go back to the house, a room by yourself...we'll handle that too.

  5. There is a palpable sparkle in your voice, a happiness I can feel a thousand plus miles away! I love the way you are looking at life and seeing all of the possibilites and dreams that can come true! I feel like i have a pretty good life, but reading your blog always makes me want to dream bigger and better, to get out of my comfort zone and try something new, not be afraid. I LOVE IT!!! Thanks for always being inspiring, even the bad days for you seem to turn around with a positive twist. I love you so...Karin

  6. A great entry. Hells yeah, you are already and author and you can take this as far as want to take it. I am so glad that everything is going swimmingly. But again, don't feel you have to be positive if you have bad days. I know you get great feedback when you are up but we are here when you are down too. Love you Jimmy. ~d
