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Sunday, September 26, 2010


Day 88 it seems that once again I need to fight through my fears of being ridiculed about what's on my mind, I have to keep telling myself that yes, I can make a difference, my ideas may seem different but I believe they could be the start of something big, new ideas to start finding solutions for this epidemic that is drug abuse, the more I think about it the more it seems that the community needs to get more involved, addicts will not fix themselves, they will only recruit more addicts. And I also believe that the court system is set up for failure, threatening addicts with jail time if they don't stay clean or work whatever program the court orders does not offer the hope of a better life that addicts need to want to stay clean, or the structure to keep them clean, without the sight of a better future there just isn't any reason to stay clean. I believe it is up to the people that actually care about this town and the people in it, we need to have a community meeting to discuss what options addicts have, and maybe create some new options that don't exist yet, I love this little town that I have moved to and would like to be a part in making it better, and I believe the solutions to the overwhelming drug use in the community is coming together and finding more ways to offer hope rather than sit back and expect the police to solve the problems by throwing all the druggies in jail, that's not the solution, that is only a band aid that will not stop the infection from growing. Playing hardball is not the solution, being part of their lives and showing them that you care and they are not hopeless is the beginning of the solution, I believe this with all of my heart to be true. I believe society has depended on the courts and rehab systems for far to long and it is now time to get more involved, over the next couple of months I am going to try to get the word out and organize a community meeting so people can pull their ideas and thoughts together, I know that there's more we can do if we stop depending on others and start doing ourselves, I pray that I will not be alone in trying to make a difference, and I do fear failure, but if I do not try I have already failed, James


  1. Jim.....anybody who would ridicule you has to be a cruel, cold-hearted jerk. I think your story of success speaks for itself. I hope that you are able to pull this town together and come up with some solutions. I wish that all of your blogs were put together in book form, with each page showing a different blog (in numerical order, naturally.) But if somebody could type all of that up, print it and present it in a folder to a town hall meeting, people would have to recognize & realize what an amazing thing you have done. (They need to use spellcheck if & when they type it. We all misspell words when we're typing.) Of course you would want to get that folder back after the meeting, as I honestly think some big publishers might be interested in making that into a book.
    Because they're a small town, they probably don't have access to Teen Challenge. That is one rehab program that has an extremely high success rate. Although they do also have a woman's program, I'm not very familiar with it, because I have been involved in donating things to Teen Challenges thrift store, which is run by some of the men in rehab. They all do different work to help support Teen Challenge. But they usually live in the rehab center for a year and bond together in the process. They study the bible together too(it's a Christian org.) But I've spoken with many of these young men when I've donated things to their thrift store or when they came over here with a big truck to pick up some larger items I donated, and they have shared with me how much it has helped them get their lives back together. Many of them were homeless when they went to T.C. The problem with regular rehab centers is they're too expensive and they usually only keep a person for 30 days, which doesn't give them long enough to get the help they need. Sorry to get away from your amazing recovery story, but this is definitely another solution that is a possibility for people who have access to Teen Challenge. I'm sure there has to be at least one in Oklahoma, if not more. T.C. has annual fundraisers, plus the young men do various jobs (according to their abilities) to help support T.C. so they can come in there penniless and they'll get the help they need. When Jimmy died, I asked people to donate to T.C. in lieu of flowers, as the flowers won't last, but the money donated to T.C. will help change many lives.
    Jim, back to your ideas, I hope maybe you can start writing articles in that local newspaper to let people know that you want to bring the town together to see what you can do to help these addicts. What may work for some, may not necessarily work for others. That's why I brought Teen Challenge into the picture, as even if they had to live in another town to be a part of T.C., it would be worth it if that's what worked for them. Seven years ago when Jimmy died, they had an 86% success rate. I don't know what the percentage is this year, but that's pretty awesome. I agree that jailing drug addicts doesn't work, as they're treated like dirt most of the time too. And some of our Portland Police are bullies and look down on people who really need help. (There area a lot of good, decent police here, but unfortunately the bullies get in the news.) Well, as usual, I'm rambling on, but just want to encourage you to get the ball rolling in that little town and see if you can get a lot of people involved in finding some solutions to help people get clean and sober.
    Good luck with that and God Bless you, Jim! You have a good heart to want to help others who are going through with what you went through.

  2. Hi Jimmy, yes, anyone that would ridicule you or anyone else for doing what is right, honest and true is an IDIOT! Who gives a crap what people like that think, they obviously have their own issues. As far as getting a community meeting together, I think that is an awesome idea! Some things that I know have had great success in SD are a group called the ALPHA project. I know it has programs that work with homeless people and/or addicts. They have work type programs helping people find work and other meaningful outlets that help them to feel better about themselves and go on to get clean. The prouder they are about where their life is going, the better off they are. You are a perfect example of that! Much love to you my friend, Karin

  3. What other people think amounts to NOTHING! One has to live with themselves. Let them go their own way.

  4. Hey Jim-long time no comments but have been reading your story and what you said right off the bat hit the nail on the head for me-the fear of being ridiculed has such an impact on the recoverer's life and esteem-but i know,and most importantly,you know that you are going in the right direction and i think you can make a difference in peoples lives-you definitely have in mine-you have helped me to want more for me and that in and of itself says worlds-someone i dont know just read your story-keep the faith-cynthia
