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Monday, October 11, 2010

day 99

Day99 it's a rough day for me, everything seems to going well but underneath it all I am an emotional wreck, im not sure how to handle any situation it seems, I want to be caring, but how much do I sacrifice, I want to be stern but where is the line where I am just being cold, it seems I must go deeper into work to keep my mind focused on something I know how to deal with, things I know how to fix, or my head just might explode, im I the only one who doubts my emotional judgment, or is this common in us all, I don't want to make foolish decisions that I will regret for a lifetime but decisions need to be made, life is very confusing and a lot harder than I thought, James


  1. It seems as we get older that every decision we make upsets or annoys someone.....every word we speak is upsetting to the end we much be true to ourselves. Do no hurt to yourself or others.. is not so easy. At this point, you need to take care of y ourself and your needs and your job. Any relationship you may have started needs to be kindly treated but you must be true to your needs at this time in your life. You will find that you cannot make everyone happy...I wish I could but I usually make someone unhappy with my decisions. Important people in my life become angry at me. Use your judgement to do what is right for your needs without being a selfish beast. Just do the right thing and it will probably be right for you too.........Aunt P

  2. Your Aunt P has some good advice. Just don't rush into anything.......take your time and don't let anybody put any pressure on you, as you do need to take care of yourself as you continue to grow in this new life you've created for yourself. And no matter how hard we try, none of us can please everybody.....we're all such different individuals and we all see things in a different light. As far as relationships go, slow down, as you have the rest of your life ahead of you and too many people get married just for the sake of being married and then they're miserable. Build up a wonderful friendship first, and then see how you feel. (I didn't get married until I was 27-1/2, and there were fellows I dated who got serious about me too fast, and it scared me off because my parents divorced when I was 10.) So just take your time. It's wonderful that you've made so many friends in that little town. I didn't mean to be so preachy yesterday, but I do think that if you found the right church, it would add a lot to your life. I will say that there are some churches that would turn a person off too. Even though I'm Catholic, I attended a wonderful conservative Presbyterian church for several years and loved it. Take care of yourself Jim. You're a great guy!

  3. Jimmy, when you were little...I always througt you might be a preacher. You loved going to chuch and you were very kind and caring of others and of doing the "right" thing. I read your blog but I am still not ready to try and be part of your life. I wish only the best for you as always. There is NO ONE who knows that the decisions they make are the RIGHT ones...we only do the best we can. God Bless

  4. Follow YOUR heart and it will all be the best inthe end...I promise that much. Of course you don't want to be selfish, but sometimes you need to put YOU first...that time is NOW! Love you, Karin
