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Saturday, May 19, 2012

the book of james anew, page one

its been awhile since ive been here, my life has turned up side down once again, but it is what it is, the important thing i believe is to get back to what feels right, ive gone through some scary changes over the last two years and have been in some really dark places in my mind, but over the last three months or so i have been educated quite a bit about christianity, i have been baptized, and i have made a vow to god to become a better and stronger christian, i have never felt such forces working so hard against me, if not for the blind faith i have taken in the lord i would not believe he even existed,i have never felt such loneliness as i do at this point in my life, but my faith will stay unwaivering and i will know that i am in his grace, i will open the doors that he puts in front of me with no fear, only anticipation of what challenges he might have me face, and i will spend every moment searching for wisdom and maturity to handle all that is thrown at me, i am inspired by the word of god, james 

1 comment:

  1. James, it's good to hear from you again! I've recently had an awakening that has opened my eyes as to why I've had so little victory up to now in my own Christian experience. Ever since I became a believer back in August of 1977 I have seen myself as an unworthy sinner saved by grace. The problem with constantly confessing my unworthiness is that it has set me up for failure time and again, and so I have not only seen myself as an unworthy sinner, but also a defeated sinner, albeit saved by grace. But thanks to the workshops I have recently attended, I now know that I'm not an unworthy sinner! In fact, I am worth so much that Jesus would have died for just me if I had been the only one to accept His invitation to believe! Jesus has already paid for my sins, past, present and future! I have no reason to fear that I may displease God by my substandard performance! As far as God is concerned, when He looks at me (or you or anyone for that matter) all he sees is the perfection of Jesus!

    I have learned that I am not God's sinner. I'm God's son! All the pressure of living a perfect life is now gone, because Jesus has already paid the price for my redemption (and yours)! Do you know what that means? I now have victory over a porn addiction that has enslaved me for the past 44 years! I absolutely hated that addiction, but I couldn't seem to stop, no matter what I tried. No matter how many blocks I put on my computer, or how many accountability partners I had, or whatever else I did to not make provision for the flesh, it never seemed to work. But when I finally realized that the terrible things that happened to me when I was a kid, and the addiction I developed to cope with it did not define me, I was free to believe that God truly does love me and that I am His son, no matter what I've done.

    I am now living a more victorious life than I ever have, and I feel more fully alive than I've ever been! Sure, I still live in fallen flesh, and I still have blind spots where I need to be corrected, but sin no longer has the power over me it once had! Hallelujah!

    I just want you to know that there is hope for you! Your past does not define you as far as God is concerned! Neither do the addictions you've been enslaved to! You addictions are not the problem! It's who you think you are! That's the problem! If you see yourself as an unworthy sinner, then you will act as if you were an unworthy sinner. If you see yourself as a worthy son of God, by virtue of Jesus' substitutionary death in your behalf, then you will be more prone to live as though you were His son!

    Let me inform you! Your are not God's sinner! You are His son! If you need help to really understand what I'm talking about, I recommend the Climb and Flight workshops offered by True You ministries. Here's a link to their web site:
