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Sunday, July 8, 2012

the book of james anew, page seven

The book of james anew, page seven, well I went to a Nazareth church today, and I will have to say, I found the worship very uncomfortable, the people were very nice and inviting, and the surmon was good, but the singing, I don't know what it is but it makes me very uncomfortable, I looked around and I was happy about what I saw, people looked sincerely happy, enjoying every moment of what was going on, complete bliss on some of there faces, and I am not saying it is wrong, but for me it just doesn't feel right, I felt awkward and out of place, like these people were fooling themselves, not by a false god, but by a false belief, at this point in my knowledge of god, there is no way I would ever want anyone to take what I say to heart, im trying to learn and figure this hole thing out, I want to understand how people can stand and put all there faith in the unknown, its not like I don't believe in god, because I do, im just not sure I believe in what this world believes to be worship, sitting around in a church singing songs really doesn't make much since to me when you could be organizing on how to clean up your neighborhood, or feeding the homeless in your community, funding for trips over seas doesn't make sence to me when we have so much work to do right here in our own back yards, I will continue to go to different churches, but honestly im afraid I will continue to see the same thing, denomination doesn't seem to matter, why are our churches not focused on there communities, they are so close and the cost is much less to service your neighbor than someone two states over, I believe in god and jesus, and I am starting to believe bible study is much more important than worship, as I read the bible I have found no flaws, only maturity, education on love, and I don't just mean man and woman, I mean father and son, friendship, guidance emotional maturity, its rough learning all that stuff by trial and error, in my honest opinion, I have no faith in the church system, im not saying I don't believe in those who go, im saying people should step back and reevaluate the churches they go to and make the apropreate changes to make them


  1. Just wanted to tell you how refreshing your new blogs are! They give hope to the hopeless and provide a light in the darkness! There are different ways to express our worship to God through prayer, serving others, reading His Word, through songs, etc. I think the biggest misunderstanding when it comes worshipping God through songs is that it's for us- that we sing to make us happy or to make us feel good. While it may make us feel good, that is not the purpose God created it for. God created it as a way to honor Him with reverence and thanksgiving for all He has done for us. So when we are at church and worship through music begins, try to tune out the world and focus on thanking and praising God for all He has done for you and your entire worship experience will change! Bless you Jim! :))

  2. thank you, i will continue to experiment and learn, and hopefully one day lead
